The Approach
Today, due to the very low proportion of platelets in the blood and to the complexity of this long and multi steps centrifuge-based manufacturing process, Blood Banks world wide struggle to produce Platelets Concentrates with affordable pricing complying with high level regulatory mandatories. Indeed, Accoustophoresis allows a much softer processing (6 times below shear stress plateletsu2019 activation threshold) than centrifuge methods, and thus to achieve a more efficient sorting and a expected better quality and preservation.nnThus, platelets transfusions are needed to treat u201cthrombocytopeniau201d which is a decrease in platelet concentration that is induced by a large number of diseases, many with a rising incidence due to population ageing, such as autoimmune diseases, hematologic malignancies, bone marrow suppression, side effects of heparin based treatment, haemophiliac patients, sickle cell disease, thalassemia, traumas and injuries. In most of countries, over 80% of platelets extraction are proceed by Blood Bank from Whole Blood donations.